The first image below is the pop up block, which was abandoned in favor of the simpler tilting block, shown next. The prototype parts were all printed in Duramic3D Gray PLA+, however in the final design, the top covers will be made from TPU. The prototypes are cut down versions of the models, to minimize waste during testing, however the pop up mechanism will be integrated into the L-shaped front corners of the final LED riser design.
Update 9/8/2024: AliExpress was pretty quick this time, and I now have the parts I needed. The first update will be to add some 3x10mm cylinder magnets to the swing up block, which helps to hold it in place when raised (this is tested and works). The second update is still in progress, and will be an optional PIR sensor wired in series with the LEDs. That should enable me to leave the LED's on only when printing, since the PIR should detect the movement of the print head. These changes need to be fully tested, and I plan to build a 2nd riser to make sure it all works correctly.
Update 9/8/2024 (2): The design is completed, so I next need to test it out. The PIR is angled down by 10°, however that was just based on a guess. It may require a redesign if it is not triggering from the movement of the hot end.
Update 9/27/2024: There were a few side projects that bumped this down a few pegs on the priorities list, but I'm printing the parts again now. The TPU parts are all printed, so I just have a few of the corners to print.
Update 12/19/2024: This V2 update fell through the cracks due to other projects taking priority, and some last minute changes I decided to try out. It is still gonna happen, but will not be before January, since this month my printer is busy on last minute stuff.