C-max Cabin Air Filter and Engine Air Filter replacement
Replaced the air filters in my C-max today. It is pretty clear Ford designed this to be a difficult as possible. The Cabin Filter was relatively simple, though access was tight. Just unscrew a T20 torx and then the cover panel drops out and the new filter can be squeezed in there (it is tight). The engine air filter was almost comically difficult considering how simple it is in most cars. It only required the removal of one clip, 2 hoses, the connector for the MAF sensor, multiple bolts and a partridge in a pear tree. The filter resides on the engine cover which has to be removed, but it does not come out easy since it is halfway under the cowl (though not super difficult either). The plastic cowl actually flexed a bit to help get it out. Then there are 5 bolts to get the filter out. I don't mind the bolts, but what does bother me is the fact that the MAF connector has to be removed every time the air filter is replaced. This seems like asking for trouble in the long run. The engineers who designed the air filter assembly turned what is normally a 3 minute job into a 30 minute job, but I guess that is progress.