This is several years old and many of their meals have been updated, and thankfully the bad ones are no longer on the menu. I have since tried them again and there were some good and some bad again, but most were good. I will leave this up however since some of the meals appear unchanged and so the reviews may be helpful. At this time I would probably recommend them since they have fixed the problems with substitutions, and their packaging is also more enviornmentally friendly with zero foam used now.
DIY Dog Food - Beef and Potato

This is just a review of the Beef and Potato recipe from The time it took to make was about the same as the Chicken and Rice mix, but was easier to make, however it cost more.
DIY Dog Food - Chicken and Rice

There is a DIY dog food from a company called which sells packets of vitamins which can be added to a specific recipe they have created. The result is intended to be a balanced dog food, with ingredients that can be controlled. This does sound froo froo, but on the other hand, there are quite a few questions I have about what really goes into my dogs food. Heck it is hard to tell what they put in human food anymore, but I won't be raising my own chickens anytime soon.
The review is mostly about the making of the food (or how I did it) and will be updated later with some info on how my dog does with it. It won't be scientific since I am going to start off by cutting it in to her regular diet and may eventually go fully DIY.
The review is mostly about the making of the food (or how I did it) and will be updated later with some info on how my dog does with it. It won't be scientific since I am going to start off by cutting it in to her regular diet and may eventually go fully DIY.