The issue with the filters I used for the first try, is that they offer too much resistance (though they are nice filters if used with a powerful enough fan). The filters I'm using for this 2nd design are thinner, and probably not as efficient, but if no air can pass through a filter, it's not doing anything anyway. I think the lack of airflow through the first filters I tried is why there was a notable smell when printing PLA as well as ABS, since the air was not getting filtered, but rather backing up and probably just blowing around the filter or not making it through at all. There is no carbon component to this new filter, though there is a small carbon filter inside the printer (which is not sufficient in my opinion). So this is not perfect, but I hope it will do.
This design was much easier to create, since I did not go overboard with the extra details this time. But it will still have the option of printing with 2 colors to highlight the hexagon inlay pattern. If it works well enough, I will post it up on Printables.