I liked the way the Duke Doks storage boxes have a label tab which doubles as a handle, but instead of having just the tab centered on each box, I designed mine to run the full length of the box, which should make them a bit stronger. There are two version of each box as well, one with the tab along the short edge (cyan) and one along the wide edge (orange). The blue boxes are square so they don't have a long or short edge.
I have been printing these using a 0.6mm nozzle which gives 2 walls since (1.2mm thick), and found that a slight over extrusion of PLA+ seems to be the strongest. I printed in PETG and they are fine, but not as solid as the PLA+ so I am switching over to PLA+ for the remainder of them (I also ran out of PETG). So far I have only printed the 1x1 and 1x2 boxes, but now have things dialed in and will begin printing some larger boxes, though I probably won't be printing the largest of them.
Once I have enough to fill a drawer and can confirm everything fits as it should, I will post it up to Thingiverse and Cults3D.
Update 10/14/2021 - Well, I have a drawer filled up, but I'm a bit busy so it will be a few days before I can upload this to Thingiverse (which is having some problems right now). I noticed that the furthest back boxes will need to be at minimum 3 units deep since otherwise they would not be accessible.
Update 10/22/2021 - the modification worked and the larger boxes stack perfectly. I have still not had time to make the half height boxes or get these posted up, but that will be soon.