- Thou shall not shoulder surf, and then sigh when things don't work.
- Thou shall not expecteth that your computer/phone/Internet problem is now my computer/phone/Internet problem.
- Thou shall not speak in upset or angry tones to the person assisting - at any time.
- Thou shall not insist on reading every line of each privacy policy or click through agreement while the problem is being worketh.
- Thou shall aceppteth that to fixeth the problem, unexpected downtime or expense may resulteth.
- Thou shall be aware and accepting, that although one problem may leadeth unto another, only one problem shall be worketh at a time.
- Thou shall keepeth to one self, comparisons to the ability of those assisting, to ones genius friend/uncle/ex-wife or local blacksmith who can fixeth anything. "Tis unhelpful and passively agressiveth.
- Thou shall not "call for help" behind the backeth of the person assisting, and then ask that person to speaketh with the other party on the phone. 'Tis not helpful.
- Thou shall offer food and beverage as hospitality to the person assisting, but, 'tis not to be considered as recompense for the assistance freely offered. Thou shall still oweth me one.
- Thou shall remain cheery and accepteth that sometimes the best thing to do is donateth that windows XP PC or iPhone 5, and buyeth a new one.
These are just some recommendations for folks that solicit free help with their PC, phone, Internet, TV or whatever...
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Stoopid MeWelcome to my Stoopid corner of teh Internet. It's mostly gonna be 3D printing stuff, but I also post some recipes, projects, and the occasional rant here as well. More Stoopid stuff is updated regularly. Archives
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