Compounding things, the Kossel is back to it's old tricks also with bad level shifts so I cannot rely on that either. I think I need to swap the extruder on the Ender 3 with a Titan since the stock stepper lacks the torque to push the filament, but damn if I don't also need to swap the hot end too since it is garbage to begin with, and I suspect part of the trouble with the under extrusion due to the design of the Boden setup and the hot end. I have been unable to get the stock hot end adjusted tightly enough to say put, so it ends up leaking which leads into more problems. It's been weeks since I have been able to get a decent print for an actual project out of my printers so I need to start solving some of these problems, and that cannot be done in this case with the stock parts I think.
I have the parts to do these upgrades on the Ender 3, but lack a reliable printer to make the mounts for them. So looks like I need to go back and give the Kossel some attention and a brain transplant to get it back in operation reliably * so I can then get the POS Ender 3 upgraded to the point of usability. Amazing that I Ender'ed up with two lemons, but now I have to double down on making some damn lemonade...
* I may have lucked out though, I'm trying to print a simple mount for the new hot end on the Kossel. It is a quick print so hopefully it can do it without shifting layers.
After attempting to run a print with the new hot end, I found that the stock Ender 3 temp probe which I moved over to the new hot end was not working accurately and seemed to be reading low, it was probably the source of much of the problems. I swapped it with he probe from the new hot end and found temps were much closer to reality now. Hopefully I am getting closer to a functional printer.