The design also changed a bit since the last post, since I found that the GE Coverlite LED's project up a but, so I had to make the holder taller, with a bit of space in the base for the LED projection to develop and cover the whole lithophane (otherwise it would be dark in the bottom corners). Overall I like it though, and I think it will be a great gift. Note that the pic is intentionally blurred out, but the lithophane is pretty sharply defined (was printed at 0.1mm layer height with a 0.4mm nozzle).
I'm also thinking about another lithophane desk lamp, but I'm still looking for a good (plug in) LED light source to use with it.
Update 12/20/2021 - Things have been really busy with the other projects and work, so I have not yet posted this. But I have a couple of other design ideas that I have been working on here and there, so there will be at least one, maybe two different designs when it is uploaded.
Update 12/24/2021 - I was able to test three designs for the side panels and they all work, though the snowflake pattern is a big pain to remove supports from. However I had to redesign the base since it was never fitting quite right. I plan to print it today and hopefully get the modifications tested.