Having to make that choice to let her go was very painful, but at the time I felt like it was the best thing for her. I arranged to have a vet come in on Thursday to do the in-home euthanasia, still 3 days away so my parents could be there (I could not let her go without letting her see them one last time). She was finally comfortable back at home at least, and I was able to care for her. By Tuesday morning I was starting to have second thoughts since she was getting back to herself, being able to clear her bladder was starting to make her feel better, along with the antibiotics to help clear the infection.
Now that she is back on her feet, I am getting her a follow up urinalysis, but she is a sneaky fast pee-er and won't go with an audience unless she really wants to. Getting her to pee so I can grab a sample always reminds me of this (skip to 26 seconds and please ignore the add for the watches, this was the best video I could find):