It will mount with a command strip (or could be hung with a screw or nail) which will stick to a custom hanger. The eyes will light up using RGB slow changing LED's. There will be a AAA battery holder which will power two (2 pin) 5mm RGB LED's in parallel, with a 150 Ohm resistor, all mounted in the skull. The LEDs are optional since the eyes could be printed in any color as well as clear for the LED's. The vertebrae are linked with small paper clips bent as the hinge pins, and I plan to add another command strip to anchor it on the bottom (on the tombstone).
I'm not gonna be able to test this print prior to Halloween, but I will post it up once I can verify some of the parts fit.
The print should fit on an Ender3 size printer.
The version at Thingiverse has been updated recently with an updated version of the sign which can print in 3 different colors. I didn't update the Prusa version yet because I think it would DQ my entry in the Halloween Contest (I noticed that when I made a minor update to my Solar LED's which were entered in the Prusa Halloween Contest, that the entry disappeared).
The build guide is here.